This page took me a long time to draw; the subject matter was pretty unsettling, but I also wanted to make it look good.
I originally intended to have Ragdoll explain that she signed a fighting contract to protect her little brother; as a result, she got so caught up in the carnage and in her fighting persona that she was unable to snap out of it. However, as much as I like villains who are humanized, Ragdoll seemed to work better as a selfish, cruel manipulator.
This page took me a long time to draw; the subject matter was pretty unsettling, but I also wanted to make it look good.
I originally intended to have Ragdoll explain that she signed a fighting contract to protect her little brother; as a result, she got so caught up in the carnage and in her fighting persona that she was unable to snap out of it. However, as much as I like villains who are humanized, Ragdoll seemed to work better as a selfish, cruel manipulator.